Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin 2022
outdoor education format
The bauhaus_mobil is an electrically driven vehicle, enabling a multitude of educational activities. It is easy to setup and generates an instant and flexible working environment for up to 15 people. It was developed in combination with a first iteration of workshops called "hybride habitate".

workhop_Hybride Habitate
What might a future coexistence of wildlife and people in urban Berlin look like? What if the water level rises drastically and Berlin turns again into a swamp? How would buildings change if temperatures change significantly?
Based on various future scenarios, utopian architectures were conceptualised and built as architectural models in an outdoor workshop. In order to visualise the adapting, self-replicating or even parasitic structures, participants work with found materials in the Tiergarten Berlin and a variety of tools. The architectural models are then scanned and relocated in the urban space using augmented reality.